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Aging and the skin microbiota

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Aging is associated with a significant skin evolution, in terms of functions (decrease in sebum production, decrease in hydration levels, more permissive immune system, etc.) and structure (decrease in collagen production, thinning of the epidermis, etc.). These modifications induce a change in living conditions for the microorganisms inhabiting our skin, which may trigger an evolution of the skin microbiota. Using Next Generation Sequencing methods, scientists compared the skin microbiota of two groups of women without skin disorders. The NS group comprises 61 women aged between 23 and 50 years old (mean = 36.0), and the NS-S group comprises 23 older women (aged between 51 and 69 years old [mean = 59.2). Among the former genera, several species are regarded as symbiotic microorganisms thanks to their ability to protect the skin against pathogen colonization and environmental pressure. On the other hand, several bacteria among the Corynebacterium genus are known to have pro-inflammatory activities. Although it is unknown whether the evolution of the skin microbiota with aging is a cause or a consequence of the skin modifications. The skin microbiota drift observed during aging cannot be considered as beneficial, and in our point of view, contributes to a vicious circle promoting the evolution of skin with aging. For these reasons, active cosmetic ingredients that are able to act on the modification of skin functions observed during aging and also protect the skin microbiota are of great interest; this kind of active ingredients breaks the vicious circle relating to the drift of the skin microbiota during aging.

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