While most of us are aware that sunlight can be damaging to our skin, many people do not know that moderate amounts of sunlight are beneficial to your overall health. Over the past hundred years or so, scientists have come to recognize that the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both beneficial and damaging effects on human health. However, it seems as though the damaging effects of sunlight have moved into the spotlight, and the benefits are lesser known amongst the general population. The sun doesn’t cause skin cancer in usual dosages; Instead, seed oils, refined sugar and toxic personal care products, including most sunscreens, do the damage and set you up for melanoma. Sunlight gives you way more than vitamin D; it’s essential for an intact immune system, libido, androgen balance and males you look better. UV-light, in particular, benefits weigh loss, reduces blood pressure and positively affects the microbiome, which is another mood booster! Research indicates that low libido men could successfully be treated with bright light exposure; The sun is up to 1000x brighter than indoor light. Sunlight absorption in your eyes is crucial for managing neurotransmitters and hormones as they link directly to the hypothalamus. Sun exposure also provides your body with Vitamin D which works to improve your immune functions in your skin. UVB light rays can treat psoriasis symptoms as they work to slow the rapid rate of skin growth and shedding that create psoriasis patches. Overall, it is clear that humans need proper amounts of vitamin D in their bodies to keep healthy. Experts on this subject now recommend that people get modest amounts of sun exposure to prevent diseases that are more likely to develop if people do not receive the correct amount of vitamin D needed for their bodies. Dermatologists suggest that everyone should be wearing sunscreen to minimize the risk of Actinic Keratosis or skin cancer, but still to get out in the sun for small amounts of time to also prevent other internal cancer. People that apply sunscreen even indoors have a marketing indoctrinated anxiety disorder and are mostly depressed; Please don’t be like that!